Metaphysical Services
Healing in regard to the nature and origin of reality itself, the immortal soul, and the existence of a supreme being. Metaphysics is the belief in and the study of the eternal nature of our consciousness and the knowledge of the spiritual, transcendental, and intuitive self as being vital aspects in the unfoldment of our full potential as human/spiritual beings.
Entura Art
Entura means “entering the aura” or, in other words, entering the energy field. The Entura Artist is taught to enter the energy field of his/her subject, one’s own self, another person, a place or thing, a past or present time period, or a spiritual concept like love, harmony, or wisdom, and then to channel and convey intuitive understanding and messages related to that subject in order to bring about needed and appropriate emotional and spiritual healing. Entura Art is an artistic form of alchemy that transmits both psychological and spiritual precision by way of symbols and colors that flow onto the canvas. Read More
RoHun Transpersonal Therapy
RoHun™ is an inter-personal therapy that utilizes an individual’s spiritual strength to facilitate Healing and Transformation. RoHun™ is an in-depth and thorough processes that taps into the unconscious regions of the mind to surface and release negative thought constructs, blocks, and emotions that restrict, limit, and continually sabotage self. Through accessing The Higher Self and Inspired Mind, RoHun™ effectively and lovingly releases blocked energy and hidden shadows that prevent a joyful and productive life.
Reiki & Crystal Reiki
Reiki is defined by two words in Japanese Kanji. “Rei” means universal, and “Ki” means life force energy. The two words then put together form “Universal Life Force Energy.” It is a healing system for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Reiki practitioners are trained in the system of Reiki and how to allow energy to flow through them to their clients to areas that are needed most.