Couples Coaching

Learn and understand your own essences of Male & Female energies

1 hr sessions

$85 CAD


We each have a duality that is a part of us as is in all things of creation. This duality is many things but, in these sessions, specifically, we address Male & Female energies.

Within these Male/Female energies, we have our thoughts and feelings that influence our actions. These actions sometimes involve others that are very close to us. We sometimes find it hard to understand why we do or say the things we do or to understand the actions and thoughts of others.   

It is from this aspect that we tend to play the “blame-shame game” coupled with guilt. This makes for relationship challenges on all fronts with those whom we love most.  Alda and Joseph work with couples to learn and understand their own essences of Male and Female energies and to gain an understanding of others as well.

Gaining this healthy perspective leads to joyous and loving relationships with not only significant others but family, friends, co-workers, etc. 


$85 CAD


1 hour


Blue Angel House