Hello Everyone and welcome to Blue Angel House Wellness, or as we like to say BAH.

We are so thrilled to have this all come together. My wife Alda Lee Boni and myself Joseph Boni, welcome you all. BAH was originally started by me in Phoenix, Arizona in 2018. We started out first teaching Reiki lessons from my home and eventually moved to our own location in Phoenix. We had a wonderful circle of folks that regularly attended our classes, healing sessions, our Reiki Shares and our Healing Sanctuary.
With many changes that happened in 2020 for most, it also changed the way we approached business. There was so much more we vision for BAH and were never able to fully encompass everything due to market and climate changes. However, as we all know, things do happen for a reason and here we are.

BAH is now opened in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. My wife Alda and I are excited to finally have our website up and running. We have decided to not only change our location but to also change our approach to deliver the best diversity of healing that anyone can offer. How is this you are wondering? The answer is simple: BALANCE. Our site will be set up to give everyone the necessary information on our business, but this BLOG is to serve as a place to deliver the balance to everything.
We are planning to post a minimum of once a month but to change up our subject matter, so it is not all just about healing from us. The blog will include articles on meditation or guided meditations. Both Alda and I meditate daily and are in the habit of journaling often right after. We shall share our meditation and our insights. Next on the list is the recipes from our kitchen and the garden we grow our food from (yes, we own two hydroponic garden systems and have a full garden project happening right now)
We will be excited to share more next summer. I have a cooking mantra that forms my cooking and will be the main theme of my cookbook. It is called Cooking In The Flow. Cooking in the flow is not a gimmick, it is not a diet nor is a fad. Cooking in the flow is the secret to some of the tastiest and most wholesome cooking that you can do. It is the secret of many chefs around the world including mothers, fathers, grandmothers, and all that take a shot at the culinary whips of digestinal whims. And the main ingredient is of course: LOVE. So, if you are Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB), or just a straight up carnivore, Cooking In The Flow will work for you. My goal is to demystify cooking and show you how easy it can be to prepare wonderful stress-free meals. I am not a formerly trained chef however I am a closet gourmet, and it is time to share what I have found to be the secret of great meals that all can enjoy no matter what type of diet you are on.
In addition to all of the above, Alda will be sharing some of her Entura Art (please also visit her Entura Art Gallery on the website) along with written interpretations that we feel is a message for all to read.

Alda will also be sharing some of her music in the form of recordings as well. Being a classically trained pianist has allowed Alda to incorporate a lifelong passion and study, coupled now with healing. Pythagoras made it his lifelong study to master the healing effects of sound and how certain notes can be used to heal specifics areas of our bodies both on a physical and spiritual level. I am very blessed to have the ability to listen to such wonderful works of Mozart, Beethoven, Back (just to name a few) daily and we feel that some pieces are just worth sharing.
Finally, I will also be discussing our healing practice and share with you all personal stories of our own along with that of clients who will permit us to share their story anonymously. So please, take our website for a spin. Go through it all. Please email us if you have any questions or feedback.
i am so happy for all the beautiful changes you both are experiencing. thank you for what you are doing and thank you for the love u r spreading. i can feel it in every word ?
Thank you so much Joumana. You have been a big supporter of us from the very beginning! Lots of Hugs and Love to you!