The word “perfect” in a dictionary means being entirely without fault or defect, completely flawless. But what does perfect means to us at a personal and spiritual level? Getting 100% at an exam for a school kid, not playing a single wrong note in a performance for a musician, have a life full of materials as desired, have a physical body that looks like a model we see in magazines, or be someone nice and kind and never allow ourselves to have any negative emotions? It these cases, what is “perfect” in my world might not mean anything to your “perfect” world.
Recently I had a conversation with a parent of a new piano student of mine. The mother is concerned that the girl is slow at reading and recognizing musical notes, so she has been supervising the girl on her practice at home. She told the girl that the girl must not play any notes wrong, because it will be very hard to correct her mistakes later on. So, this girl has been playing carefully and correctly in her lessons. I told the mother, I am afraid that I can only see the final product, and I will never be able to strengthen this weakness that she has. I am not an examiner, I am a teacher. The girl does not come for an exam, she comes to LEARN through her lessons. Everyone makes mistakes, and this is how we learn in life as well. After all, everything and everybody in our life is teaching us something about ourselves.

Over Christmas, I watched the Disney animation “Enchanto“. The main character, Mirabel, thinks she is useless and is a disappointment to her family who are each gifted their own magical power when she has none. Mirabel attempts to prove herself to everyone over and over again, but cannot seem to do anything that worths recognition. How often are we like Mirabel, who always try to live up to expectations (and these expectations can change all the time), never want to let anyone down and to always do something to make herself feel useful?
It was hard for me to belief that we are perfect the way we are. How much time in my life have I been trying to be someone who (I think) someone else wants to see, and becoming someone who I am not? I did not believe the imperfections in me would make me a unique or a beautiful human being. I believed that my abilities are my worths. I chose not to express my opinions and ideas as they might not be perfect. I tried very hard to suppress my negative emotions because they would make me an imperfect person. In other words, I am afraid of being judged by others, and more so, I am constantly judging myself.
No babies would be able to stand up and walk without falling down, and nobody can learn and grow without making mistakes. “I am not perfect” is a thought, a label, a belief, a perception and a judgement. The tests and challenges of our life are there to show us our strengths, our faith and will power. A life not put to the test, or without obstacles to overcome, is hardly worth living. Growth is only possible in adversity. Think about any event or situation, or a person in your life. It may seem difficult and painful, and definitely not something or someone we would call “perfect”, but look at how you have overcome, understand, grown and heal out of it. Everything is indeed always perfect when we can see the bigger picture of things.
Do you trust that the process and experience of life is happening for your highest good, and do you love and approve or yourself? If you want to put these ideas to work, to expand your spiritual vision and understanding, we are here to assist you and support you on this journey of self-discovery.