New year’s Eve is here and 2021 is coming to a close. I see several posts on Facebook from family, friends, acquaintances, and members of private groups all posting well wishes and comments of the closing year with hopes that the new year shall ring in prosperity, happiness and freedom from our current life. As I sat there reading through the several comments, memes, and pictures; I could not help but reflect on our last year and what is 2021 to me. I then thought of a recent article I wrote speaking about perspective (click here).

Perspective is the key to Self. How you perceive something is your reality. If you feel that 2021 was terrible and that 2022 will be much better if only [blank] will happen; you have just set yourself up for failure. Finding the positives of situations and looking forward to the many blessings, abundances and graces that the Universe has to offer is the focus we should all be looking towards. The past is just what it is, THE PAST. You have learnt from the past. Now it is time to be Present. Be thankful for all you have in your life and pray that this continues to grow for you and all that surrounds you.
I has stated many times before about the power of words and the word Abracadabra. What you think, you say, how you allow yourself to daydream is all forms of manifesting. Because in order for a manifestation to come true, one only needs to have three things: a thought, a Will, and an action. In other words, if one person has a negative thought such as: I never have money. You then unconsciously use your Will to manifest not having money. The resulting action is thus: NO MONEY.

Many clients come to me and say “I said this many times and still no improvement!” I then ask if they really meant it? I have heard many people say, do, and act in a manner because they feel it is necessary. Or it is proper. Or it is how they were raised. But these people do not really know how they really feel or what they really want. So manifesting is more that just saying words. It is truly BELIEVING in your words. You really FEEL your words. These are words and actions that come from your Higher Self and not your EGO. This is when we begin to truly manifest. This is when you are a Co-creator!
On behalf of my self and my wife Alda, We wish you a Very Happy and Abundant New Year. May your find your True Self and manifest that which you are truly wanting and deserving of. Many Blessings!
NOTE: If this article resonated with you on some level and you are interested in learning more, please do not hesitate to contact us and set up an online consult with us. We can assist you in learning how to reconnect with your Higher Self via many of our individual sessions and programs. We look forward to hearing form you!